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الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2013

easy weight loss tips

The rate of burning food and used as saturated and so damn easy

First :  Option

The choice between meals, the best food that helps the stomach is full and a feeling of fullness and slice preferred choice these segments and eat whenever I feel hungry desire to devour the food.

Secondly : Cider Vinegar 

A teaspoon of cider vinegar at each meal balanced by mixing a teaspoon or two tablespoons in a glass of water and drink throughout or before several of apple cider vinegar helps regulate digestion and fat mixture .

Third : Chamomile flowers 

A cup of chamomile flowers boiled sugar without original sugar on an empty stomach in the morning and before eating every day for two months direct aid to lose excess weight.

Fourth : Hot Anise 

Anise hot emulsion per day on an empty stomach before eating the right amount to use is one teaspoon per cup of water.

Fifth:  : spearmint

Spearmint is used to get rid of excess weight boiling a handful of mint in a liter of water to drink in the glass without desalting on an empty stomach in the morning and the last night before going to sleep
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