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الجمعة، 13 ديسمبر 2013

Herbal Weight Loss

They identified nine tips on eating foods that gives meaning to the phrase " eating varied and balanced. "

1- 5 grains, fruits and vegetables per day :

The fruits and vegetables are rich in minerals ( calcium, potassium , Manaizim ... ) and vitamins ( C , beta - carotene , folate ) , and fiber containing appetite soften quickly and to facilitate the movement of digestion , and the percentage of low calories where , thanks to the amount of water that large , make fruit and vegetable diet for the prevention of obesity and diabetes is recommended.

2- Moderate amount of carbohydrates pm :

The rice, semolina , pasta , bread (whole grain ) , lentils , beans , potatoes, flour, starch, vegetable protein, carbohydrates provide the sugars needed for muscles and brain. Beans are also high in fiber , so there's no excuse to refrain from eating when taken together with vegetables, according to appetite .

3- of the milk and milk products three times a day :

There are two types of nutrients essential for bone health : calcium and vitamin D. Form of dairy products (milk , cheese , yogurt) a very important for calcium, especially during childhood and adolescence and old age resource. And if you care for External appearance , chose free fatty substances derived .

4- meat and eggs once a day :

Eating meat gives us protein, vitamins and minerals (such as iron ), but better to eat small portions of meat to avoid eating a lot of animal fat. As for fish , containing fatty substances protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer. So suggest taking it at least twice a week, fresh, canned or hardcover .

5- facilitating fat intake :

To achieve a better balance , you should eat more substances vegetable fats ( canola , sunflower, olive and walnut ) , and reducing the consumption of sweets and a little butter and cream.

6- milk and milk products three times a day :

In fact, the more permanent or excessive consumption of foods and sugar-sweetened beverages from the risk of overweight and obesity. Sweetener can end a meal with fruit and natural yoghurt and white cheese .

7- drinking water:

Not only quenches thirst cup of cold water. Drink a liter and a half liters of water per day with meals or among themselves , or in the form of a cup of hot , boiled or soaked .

8 reduction in salt intake :

During cooking and at the table , you should try the food before you salt. It is better to eat a little salt and iodized salt. By reducing salt intake , reduce the risk of the occurrence of the complexities in the arteries of the heart and the appearance of a clot in the brain and an imbalance in the work of the heart , kidneys and the complexities of water stored in the arteries of the parties.

9 half hour of walking per day :

Good for walking or jogging or any activity in daily life to achieve the equivalent of half an hour of brisk walking per day. Nutrition experts advise resorting to physical movement as well as the daily intake of various foods , thus reducing the incidence of heart disease , cancer , diabetes, and away from weight gain
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