الخميس، 28 نوفمبر 2013

4 - does not require equipment, or equipment except apparel and suitable sports shoes.
الأربعاء، 27 نوفمبر 2013

Juices for weight loss and the other to gain weight
2:42 م
Juice for Weight Loss
lemon juice
orange juice
Mix all of the electric blender and drink being.
This juice is used during operation of the Damned 3 cups a day.
In addition, today also introduce juice to increase the weight as well:
banana century .
Half cup of liquid milk .
Text + teaspoon of honey and a little crazy .
Text teaspoon grated coconut .
Note: drink immediately with stirring and drink only once a day

Water Diet
1:56 م
Many of us have to follow a diet to lose weight several kilos in a short period in order to attend an event of joy or holiday birthday and other If you are waiting for one of the events and want to lose weight you can rely on a diet of water, which will help a lot to get what you want :
- When you sleep you drink 2 cups of water and 30 minutes after breakfast is a constant throughout the week with the knowledge that this fucking for a week.
Breakfast :
Boiled egg Toast + + orange or grapefruit. Three hours later, a large glass of water + apple or lettuce.
A large glass of water + meat or fish grilled or poached any amount, with the removal of the skin of the chicken salad + any amount. Three hours later , a large 2 cup water + apple.
A large glass of water or beef + chicken or grilled fish or boiled in any amount + boiled vegetables or in the oven + energy .
Note: water diet
• treats headaches , blood pressure and anemia , arthritis , paralysis , heart palpitations , epilepsy and obesity.
الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2013

easy weight loss tips
5:59 م
The rate of burning food and used as saturated and so damn easy
First : Option
The choice between meals, the best food that helps the stomach is full and a feeling of fullness and slice preferred choice these segments and eat whenever I feel hungry desire to devour the food.
Secondly : Cider Vinegar
A teaspoon of cider vinegar at each meal balanced by mixing a teaspoon or two tablespoons in a glass of water and drink throughout or before several of apple cider vinegar helps regulate digestion and fat mixture .
Third : Chamomile flowers
A cup of chamomile flowers boiled sugar without original sugar on an empty stomach in the morning and before eating every day for two months direct aid to lose excess weight.
Fourth : Hot Anise
Anise hot emulsion per day on an empty stomach before eating the right amount to use is one teaspoon per cup of water.
Fifth: : spearmint
Spearmint is used to get rid of excess weight boiling a handful of mint in a liter of water to drink in the glass without desalting on an empty stomach in the morning and the last night before going to sleep

Ways to maintain fitness and to get rid of weight problems and buttocks
5:32 م
Ways to get rid of weight problems and buttocks - easy natural ways to lose weight and burn fat
For those who suffer from weight In the buttocks and suffered many women the problem of the thighs and buttocks, and the reason for this problem is to sit for a long cast time constant , and eating fat without movement, and pregnancy is one of steps more dangerous for women who weigh more than during this period , especially in areas of the body ...
Here are some ways to get rid of weight problems buttocks Abdominal :
1 - is the exercise of effective measures to combat the problem of concern to many women solutions , and individual sport and helps get rid of the buttocks and thighs , walking is a sport, and the use of a stationary bike, swimming and , especially the movement of the frog will not forget. The rise and fall of the stairs and continue to contribute to get rid of this problem.
2 - If you want to get rid of this problem , which reduces the beauty and agility, voilla drink pumpkin juice and green beans , so boiling the two , then the amount Cup Tahnhma drink juice every morning, but I was able to before eating a meal.
3 - Eating lots of garlic and radishes , onions and lettuce, and prefer not to eat sugar, salt and caffeine as much as possible , while fat and sweets and pans refrain as much as possible , as it is the main cause of the buttocks and thigh problems.
4 - There are proven ways to get rid of traditional surplus areas , the use of salt in the shower, and the room has a lot of salt in the bath " bathroom " with hot water , and convenient massage focus areas of weakness
الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2013

10 ways to lose weight as fast than you can imagine
10:52 ص
The weight loss difficult equation between denial of delicious food and drink, and between physical exercise practiced To get rid fat and fat Almaidh for the needs of the human body. And subsidized by the inability to take what we want from the latest fashion in clothing. So to sum up today in this thread are 10 ways to lose weight as fast as you imagine
Step 1: eating salad
Stop gorging on food except food authority, the authority of the protein-rich foods at every meal has to be an element of proteins. These proteins and fats make you feel more satisfied after a meal and will keep sugar levels in the blood for a longer period so that you are not looking for unhealthy snacks after lunch.
Step 2: Replace snacks
Replace light meals and disease of potato chips and cookies and chocolate and junk food like burgers and other sandwiches fiber foods such as lettuce and cucumber, fruits like oranges and bananas and apples
Step 3: Make simple exercises every day
Each fat loss program has to be an element of exercise, you can start even something as simple as brisk walking for 20 minutes a day and work up the intensity from there. The main objective is to stay active and turning your metabolism.
Step 4: Do not avoid carbohydrates completely
Let me put things in perspective. Not all carbohydrates are bad. Our body needs carbohydrates properly. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. Indeed, the brain works mainly in carbohydrates. You can deprive your body of carbohydrates have adverse effects on the body. Each type of food has its time and place to be consumed. As a general rule, you should only consume low blood sugar carbohydrates like rice and vegetables with dark green leaves, and Asmar Egyptian bread, oats, etc.. Foods blood sugar as high as bananas, juice, white rice, potatoes and other processed foods and consume only the best after intense exercise.
Step 5: Set realistic goals and measurable
Many people give up on training or fat loss program after a week or so because they see the results they expect. First, you must remember that you did not get fat overnight. So you should not expect too Wazzinihdt loss. And the establishment of measurable goals are realistic and help you stay motivated and continue to achieve your weight loss to the ultimate goal. So what is a realistic goal? 0.5 1-2 loss per week is realistic. Losing a half inch on her waist after two weeks is realistic. Of course, you have to be completely honest with yourself when you reach those goals.
Step 6: Focus on building muscle
Some people may disagree with me on that exercise and building muscle is important for fat loss. The goal is to reduce fat mass and increase lean body mass (muscle). And the increase of the free fat mass inevitably contribute to the reduction of fat mass. For every pound of muscle and body, you can burn an extra 35-50 calories a day. On the other hand burns fat only 2 calories per pound. So the more muscle you have, increase your metabolic rate will be.
Step 7: Make small changes and adhered to 21 days
Let's be honest with ourselves. Fat loss involves some change in behavior and lifestyle. The current lifestyle causes more weight gain. Continue on the same path will not speed up the process of losing weight. We all know that behavior change is more difficult. That's why we have to make some changes every day and this is more acceptable to our bodies. For example, if you currently drink two cans of cola every day, drink a day. Then in the next week, reducing to one can every two days. You get the picture. And any program you decide to start with a commitment for 21 days. Statistics show that any change in behavior leads 21 to take about 60 days to form a habit. So no matter how much you hate dieting or exercising today, persevering for 21 days program. 'Ll Be happy I did not.
Step 8: Surround yourself with people who encourage you
Some people rely heavily on social support, and others are not. If you belong to the first group, it is important to surround yourself Banas Ichdjaok especially when you are starting a fat loss program. During the first 21 days, it is important to stay motivated and focused on the goals you have set for yourself. You are required to cope with the challenges and conflicts as the program progresses.
Step 9: strong legs
I'm not talking here only of a race, sports mean to sit Alqrvs image as ... That sport strengthens leg plus it burns fat.
Step 10: drink plenty of water
Water is zero calories ... Algaveh replaced by water, juice, mineral water which resulted in a lot of fat

Ten Misconceptions about Weight Loss
10:07 ص
1. Hunger is the best way to lose weight:
Is unlikely to result in harsh crash diets diets to lose weight long term. In fact, sometimes they can cause weight gain in the long run; main problem is that this type of diet is very difficult to maintain, because the body will suffer from a lack of energy, so that one has a strong desire foods that are high in fat and sugar. When it ends well, and these foods are eaten, you can person consumes more calories than you need, which leads to weight gain.
2. Stressful exercise is the only way to lose weight:
This is not correct. , The lack of a reasonable weight based on making small changes can be preserved for a long time. This means that the construction of a regular practice of physical activity in the daily routine. In case of adults 19 to 64 years to get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity antenna - like brisk walking or cycling - every week, and those who are overweight are likely to need more than that in order to lose weight. The loss of 450 g per week, a person needs to achieve a reduction of calories - that is to use more calories than you consume from - $ 500 calories per day. This can be achieved by consuming less food, or move more or association between movement and reduce the consumption of food together, and this is the best.
3. Effective diet pills to lose weight in the long run:
No, they are not, well, as diet pills not only helps maintain weight loss long term. Therefore only be used when prescribed by a doctor.
4. Healthy foods are more expensive:
In fact, healthy foods are not necessarily more expensive than the unhealthy alternatives; person pays money for a fast food rich in fat and salt than usually worth buying fresh ingredients that brings a meal by itself.
5. Foods that writes as "low-fat or low fat" is always a healthy choice:
Be careful; Foods described as "low fat", must conform to the legal standards for using this label. As for other labels such as "low fat" is not required to meet the same standards, but can be misleading. It must contain low-fat snack foods in less thick fat, but that does not automatically make the healthy choice: stay where you can contain more fat than its content, for example, a piece of fruit. Low fat foods sometimes contain high levels of sugar.
6. Margarines contain less fat than butter:
Contain margarine and butter in the different types of fat. Margarine but less rich in saturated fat than butter, usually, however, that is likely to contain hydrogenated fats, hydrogenated fats. It can be hydrogenated fats, also called trans fats, more harmful to health than saturated fats. Weight loss and heart health, reduce the amount of saturated fat intake and one hydrogen. When the oil in margarine Mahdrja should be noted that in the list of ingredients on the package, but this should be verified in the product labels carefully.
7. Carbohydrates on weight:
When carbohydrate carbohydrates eaten in adequate amounts, do not cause weight gain, In a 2003 study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine New England Journal of Medicine, found that nutritionists carbohydrates some diets more famous and downs tend to lose weight, not because they are paid to eat less carbohydrates, but because they simply make a person eat much less overall. Therefore, I do not mind eating whole grain carbs like brown rice and whole wheat bread, avoiding frying starchy foods when it comes to losing weight.
8. Cut all snacks can help you lose weight:
Already appetizers is the problem when it comes to losing weight, but are a kind of sandwich, no more, many people need to snack between meals to keep your energy levels, especially if they have an active lifestyle. But you should choose fruits or vegetables instead of chips, chocolate and other snacks high in sugar or saturated fats.
9. Drinking water helps you lose weight:
The water does not lead to weight loss, but keeps the person in the case of the hydration, and perhaps help unless snack. Water is essential for good health and wellness. It can sometimes ambiguity or confusion between thirst and hunger; If a person is thirsty, it might make more sandwiches. Therefore, it is recommended to drink about two liters of fluid a day.
10. Exceeded meals is a good way to lose weight:
Skipping meals is not a good idea; Vlanqas weight and keep it, you must reduce the amount of calories consumed by the person, or increase the calories you burn through exercise. But skipping meals can lead to fatigue and malnutrition. As one becomes more likely to eat snacks also foods rich in fat and sugar, which can lead to weight gain.

What is the motivation for weight loss
9:15 ص
Be encouraged to lose weight is not always easy, especially if you have tried before. Weight loss usually requires long-term changes in lifestyle that are very difficult to maintain for many of us.
The good news is that many people have successfully lost weight in the long term and there are some proven rules that everyone can follow that will improve our chances of success .
If you follow these steps, you have a better chance of fighting to stay motivated for the long term and achieve a healthy weight.
Step 1 - Review
The first step in the long-term motivation weight loss is to claim or remind you why you want to lose weight.
These are some of the most common reasons that people choose to lose weight :
- They have a weight -related illness can enhance weight loss ?
- They are happy with the way they look and feel .
- They feel they are losing the best life has to offer and would like to be more active and spend more quality time with your family and friends .
- They want to find a life partner .
Whatever the reason , you have to believe that the costs of making significant changes are worth it. For most of us, this should not be difficult to lose weight can have many positive effects on our lives.
Step 2 - Action
If you are ready to take action, set realistic goals and develop a plan.
Set realistic goals
Like all goals, weight loss goals should be smart intelligent in this context means specific, measurable, realistic, achievable and timely .
- Make sure the goals you set are very specific and clear. Instead of setting a goal to lose weight or be healthier , set a specific goal to lose 2cm waist or to walk 5 miles a day.
- Choose a goal that can be divided into measurable steps . Doing this will help keep you motivated , and reminding you to achieve your ultimate goal should not happen overnight and you can start enjoying the satisfaction of completing each step toward their ultimate goal above .
- Do not set goals that are too far or inaccessible. This forces you to try too hard and you'll eventually lose motivation quickly and quit. It 's much better to set an intermediate target that is at least in part, to his ultimate end and once they realized that a goal is set to launch more ballistic .
For example , in order to lose 10 pounds a week is to be yourself to failure. But setting a goal to lose 5 kg in 3 or 6 months , and when he realized that in order to lose 5kgs still stay motivated.
To be realistic , a goal must represent an objective you can get. This is different feasible because it is directly related to its ability to do so. For example, a goal of never again eating chocolate may be feasible , but it is not realistic for many of us.
Set a deadline for achieving your goals. End your goal gives you a clear target. If you do not specify a time, the commitment is too vague. Chances are you will not achieve your goal because you feel you can start at any time. No time limit , no urgency to start taking action now.
Developing a Plan
Now is the time to plan how you will achieve your goals.
Specific plans to stay on track and stay motivated. The trick is to read often and never be afraid to change if necessary.
When writing your plan to ensure that it includes at least one of the following:
- Surround yourself with supportive people who will encourage you all the way .
- Meet with people who have the same aspirations as you.
- Exercise regularly . And it helps you lose weight , it helps to fill your brain with oxygen and allows you to perform your daily tasks with more vigor and energy.
- Get enough sleep and rest every day.
- Do not be too hard on yourself . If you lose 4 kg in 3 months your goal is to lose 5 kg congratulate instead of thinking that has failed.
- Focus on the habits and achieve the goals themselves. Instead of setting a goal to lose 20 kg , try to make your goal of walking every day or lift weights 3 times a week.
- Keep a diary . Enter the amount of fun exercise is or how you're proud of yourself for overcoming barriers can be very motivating .
- Make new friends. If you aspire to greatness , spending time with people. Join a gym and spending time with people that you can learn and be inspired by .
- Join an online support group , group therapy , or even a group of friends who meet once a week to talk about their struggles and successes.
- Watching TV or movies educational and inspiring .
- Read educational and inspirational articles in magazines or on the Internet (like you are now ready ) .
- Get your family and friends involved . Start taking your kids to ride a bike or walk with friends once a week.
- Sign up for a race or event . Now you have a tangible reason to put your runners on - you are in training. Choose an event that occurs about 8-10 weeks from now . This should give you enough time to slot time of year.
- Find a training partner . Research has shown that people who exercise with a spouse , friend or co-worker are more likely to stick with it .
- Try something new . Boredom is the main cause of the decrease of motivation. Change your jogging .
- Hop on a bike and explore new areas of your neighborhood. Sign up for a yoga class.
- Begin. I do not know where or how to start ? Get help from a professional, such as a personal trainer or dietitian.
Step 3 - Reward success
Reward yourself for sticking to your weight loss program is a great way to stay motivated.
Use positive rewards that are self - motivated and help you on your way to achieving your goals. Do you buy a bike or go to the gym , instead of rewarding you with fish and chips or a double portion of chocolate mud cake for dessert.
Focus on small rewards given for each step of your journey . For example , a CD reward after binding of the first week of its modified diet or going to the movies .
It might be a good idea to greater rewards , such as buying tickets to a concert or take a vacation or a weekend to meet long- term goals or you might end up costing you a fortune!
الثلاثاء، 19 نوفمبر 2013

Weight loss program the " Third step "
6:30 م
Step 3 - Diet Plan
Eating too much over a long period of time is usually the cause of us are overweight , so do not be surprised if we are to succeed in losing weight, we have to change our diet.
After determining the daily calories needed to maintain our current weight using calculator power needs during the self-assessment , you can consider using less than this figure and make you lose weight .
How many calories less than this figure we eat depends on how fast you want to lose weight and reduce the amount of energy, it can deal with both physically and mentally . A common mistake that dieters could do is to reduce your calorie intake too much too soon . It takes several years to put on the weight you want to lose , so why wait to remove in the weeks and maintain realistic?
While reducing calorie intake by only 5 to 10% will make a difference in the medium and long term and reduce your calorie intake by this amount should be safe and durable physically and mentally.
To help you change your diet , have some very useful tools on this website , including our series of the daily diet of the common people , the charts food nutrition , healthy recipes , diets and food newspaper articles .
Daily diet for 12 weeks ordinary people are diets containing foods every day . The calorie and kilojoule value of all foods in these plans are clearly labeled so you can modify or replace one food to another with ease. These systems are based on an average daily intake of about 2,000 calories or 8400 kilojoules , but you can easily increase or decrease for each of the foods listed in caloric value and kilojoules .
Food nutritional tables help you calculate the amount of calories and kilojoules of food you are eating or plan to include in your diet. In addition to their energy values , these tables also list other important nutritional values listed 4500 regular foods , such as calcium and folic acid , carbohydrates and sugars, fat and saturated fat , fiber and protein and cholesterol fats and iron and sodium potassium.
Healthy Recipes section has hundreds of classified healthy recipes healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch healthy recipes, healthy food recipes , healthy snack recipes healthy drink recipes . And a photo of the dish, a complete list of ingredients and method of recipes, each recipe page highlights this type of recipe is ( low fat , high protein , etc. ) , includes a full nutritional panel additional comments Similar recipes and suggestions . If you want to include some new delicious and nutritious foods in your diet , visit these pages recipe is a must. If the income is not enough for you, they also sell cookbooks very popular weight loss in our online store .
Articles Diet Library contains many articles on topics ranging from emotional eating , the golden rules of diet, low carb diets , portion control , and feel fuller longer for cravings , meal replacements for lost weight and more .
daily series of supply includes a downloadable basic daily diet , emotional eating food journal , salt , sugar and diary foods high in fat , fiber , calcium and omega -3 Food Journal, iron, magnesium and potassium daily of food and alcohol , caffeine , cigarettes and food diary so you can keep track of certain nutritents in your diet.
If these tools are not enough to help you plan a healthy diet weight loss , you can also get help from a registered dietitian dietitians are in the directory .

Weight loss program the " second step "
6:14 م
Step 2 - Defining the objectives
Set realistic and achievable goals in the short and long term is the next step after evaluating where you are now in terms of weight and overall health.
The loss goals easier than most people is implemented reaching a certain weight or amount of weight loss weight on a specific date. For example, "I will lose 10 kg over the next six weeks," or "I though 86 kg and April 1 this year", etc.
To help you set your goals, we've written a couple of articles that you should read before setting your goals, such as setting goals to lose weight and keep your New Year's resolution.
As mentioned above, self-assessment and talk to your doctor and possibly a professional weight loss or two will also help you set your goal to lose weight.

Weight loss program, "a series of steps"
5:17 م
Most of us want to lose weight , but many of us do not know where to start.Below is a step by step guide to set up a weight loss program customized , along with the many weight loss resources available on this site .This weight loss program is easy to do DIY at home and is free. Everything you need to plan and implement their own weight loss program is linked to this page.So you know where to start, here , why not !
Step 1 - Assessment
Self Assessment
To help determine where the weight - wise , it is useful to calculate your body mass index (BMI) and calculate the waist - hip.
Your score on body mass index will help you determine if your current weight is generally "poor", " Normal", " overweight" or "obese " .
Calculating your waist-hip ratio help you get an idea of whether your body fat and its distribution is a potential health problem .
To make it easier for you to calculate your body mass index and waist-hip ratio , we have created a body mass index and waist to hip ratio calculator calculator we developed theweight loss tools on this site . These calculators how to use them and how to interpret the results.
Also in tools weight loss section for a power calculator to calculate the approximate number of calories or kilojoules you need to maintain their current weight.
Knowing the amount of energy you need each day to maintain your current weight will help you plan exactly how much energy you can eat and lose weight, which we will discuss later in steps 3 and 4.
Determine exactly where you are today is the first step to successful weight loss .
medical evaluation
In addition to these self - evaluation is a good idea to talk to your doctor about your weight and problems underlying health conditions that may be associated with excess weight , if you believe that you are overweight.Your doctor will be able not only to assess their weight and check your BMI , you will be able to check things like blood pressure , blood sugar , kidney function , cardiovascular function , etc. provide valuable information as to whether or not you already have the appearance of certain health conditions normally associated with excess weight, which can be reevaluated once he started to lose weight.The evaluation of all these things , your doctor can help you set weight goals realistic short term and long and inform you of all the conditions that have to influence how you should best go about losing weight.
Professional assessment of weight loss
In addition to medical evaluation, you may also be interested in an assessment of overall fitness or evaluation of your current diet . Personal trainers can assess your fitness and overall strength and measure your body fat levels . Doing so also can help set fitness goals. Dietitians can assess your current diet and help you make changes. Weight Loss Retreats can do all these things . To help you find professional weight loss we have created a directory of weight loss that you can use .
The next step in the subsequent entry

weight loss meal plans
10:33 ص
My Pyramid lets you create your own weight loss plan customized without having to worry about running out of nutrition. And unlike most diet plans , it also allows you to take into account the level of physical activity.
When filling your plate with foods loaded with nutrients but low in calories, you will have all the fiber , essential fatty acids , vitamins and minerals you need . You can also return to feel full on fewer calories. Here is a sampling of which includes a meal plan of 2,000 calories per day :
Day One
Breakfast :
Spicy breakfast burrito ( omelets , scrambled eggs , black beans and salsa)
1 cup orange juice
1 cup nonfat milk
A " deli" special roast or chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread ( with lettuce , sauteed mushrooms, part-skim mozzarella and yellow mustard )
3/4 cup apple slices baked potato
dinner :
Almonds 5 ounces of grilled salmon ( stuffed with bread crumbs , celery and onions ) served with rice and sliced
1/2 cup of broccoli
1 cup nonfat milk
1 cup of melon
Day Two
Breakfast :
Cold cereal with raisins and milk fat
1 small banana
Slice of bread with margarine and jam
Smoked turkey sandwich on whole wheat pita ( with lettuce , sliced tomato , and mustard dressing )
1/2 cup of apple slices
1 cup tomato juice
dinner :
5 oz sirloin tip steak
3/4 cup mashed
1/2 cup steamed carrots with honey
Small Bread
1 cup nonfat milk
1 cup low-fat yogurt with fruit
Day Three
Breakfast :
Cooked oatmeal with raisins and margarine
1/2 cup nonfat milk
1 cup orange juice
"South- to - frontier" taco ( tortilla , ground turkey , black beans, lettuce, tomato slices , low-fat cheddar cheese , salsa , avocado and lemon juice )
1 drink without sugar
dinner :
Spinach lasagna with ricotta and mozzarella
Small Bread
A cup of skim milk
snack :
1/2-ounce dry roasted almonds
1/4 cup pineapple
2 tablespoons raisins
Day Four
Breakfast :
3 buckwheat pancakes with margarine and maple syrup
1/2 cup strawberries
3/4 cup honey melon
1/2 cup nonfat milk
Manhattan clam chowder
10 whole wheat crackers
1 medium orange
1 cup nonfat milk
dinner :
Jumped Asian Vegetarian ( with tofu , Chinese cabbage, peppers)
1 cup brown rice
1 cup of tea with lemon ice
1 large banana
1 cup of yogurt with fruit
1 ounce sunflower seeds
الجمعة، 15 نوفمبر 2013

fast weight loss diets
1:20 م
How to Lose Weight Fast
There are many diet plans that can tell you how to lose weight fast. Some work better than others for fast weight loss , some are easier to stick to others, and some are cheaper than others. Scarsdale offers the most choices , which makes it easier to meet and maintain weight loss . The diet of cabbage soup is repetitive but cheap to be on, while the lemonade diet requires the least preparing . Sometimes the need to lose weight fast does not translate into keeping the extra kilos .
The thing to remember when choosing a diet is to choose one you can stay on longer term if you have more than a few pounds to lose . Look for flavor , variety, and ease of food preparation. Ensure that power has solid success stories from people like you .
The first thing that anyone considering a diet plan to lose 10 pounds fast needs to do is seek the advice of a doctor on the plan you want to follow. Your doctor can provide informed advice on the diet after a full physical examination , which will let you know if this plan is right for you.
Popular diets diets and comments
Scarsdale diet
This is the perfect diet for people who do not want hungry and need to lose a few pounds .
The Scarsdale Diet Plan does not require weighing, measuring , counting or anything but following simple menus filled with everyday food . It works, keeps you full and energized !
Budget Friendly Scarsdale Diet
This is the economy version of money Scarsdale diet. Use supermarket food so it is easier on your budget.
Vegetarian Diet Scarsdale
Vegetarian version of our favorite diet has menus for those who follow a vegetarian lifestyle or prefer not to eat meat in the diet.
Popular Diet Plan Review
We examine popular diet plans include a basic description of each plan and what you need to start any of them.
The short-term plans
Lemonade Diet
The cleaning fluid is very popular for those who have the will of steel!
Three Day Diet
The perfect diet if you have less than 10 pounds to lose weight quickly.
Hollywood diet
This juice fast lasts only two days , this is for those with less than 10 pounds to lose .
Grapefruit Diet
For the grapefruit lovers , this diet produces weight loss plan quick with a limited menu .
Cabbage Soup Diet
The popular cabbage soup diet is a short-term diet , it is necessary to follow a diet for more than seven days.
الأحد، 10 نوفمبر 2013

extreme weight loss diet
3:45 ص
LossExtreme extreme weight loss tips weight than many experts have been exercised by many people who really want the gold body shape and ideal weight. To stay motivated and lose a lot of weight , it is recommended to complete many goals in the short-term supply . Here are some tips that can help you achieve your dream to burn fat and have a perfect body .
To lose weight you need to eat right and exercise regularly to burn fat in your body. But sometimes it takes a long time to go on a diet and sometimes forget to keep your diet on track . The first tip extreme weight loss you need to do is buy a digital scale .
It is recommended that before starting a diet, buy a scale with an accuracy of 0.2 ( two- hundredths of a pound) and even better when the balance can record your weight every day to stay on track . After that, you should do the following extreme weight loss tips is to weigh yourself each day. It will help to know the status of your diet every time you do an exercise of power in your life.
The following extreme weight loss tips you need to do is simply drink 8 glasses of water a day . This will help you feel less hungry. You also have to keep the ratio of consumption of food in one day, and be smart when choosing the type of food you should eat and that is that you should eat .
The next thing to do at the tips of exercise extreme weight loss , not to torture your body with crazy exercises . Being rational exercise. If you feel tired , then rest . The more you do workouts , more energy will decrease and will affect your next activity. Simply training your ability and do not force too , as an extreme diet should not sacrifice your health.

easy weight loss tips
3:27 ص
10 Tips To Help You Lose Weight
Many of us would like to lose those extra kilos. The problem is that the restriction of what we eat is difficult, and we are not sure we will be able to stick with it or even want to stay with her.
These tips are sneaky because they do not have to restrict really something! Just add food or change the way you eat . Choose one or two that work with your lifestyle and have fun!
These tips are sneaky because they do not have to restrict really something! Just add food or change the way you eat . Choose one or two that work with your lifestyle and have fun!
1. Eating half a grapefruit before each meal .
Remember that over 80 means connected grapefruit diet to laose tons of weight? It was very restrictive.
But you can lose up to a pound a week by eating half a grapefruit before meals reasonable !
Or eat what you normally do and lost 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks. (Research in Nutrition and Health Research Center at Scripps Clinic )
But you can lose up to a pound a week by eating half a grapefruit before meals reasonable !
Or eat what you normally do and lost 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks. (Research in Nutrition and Health Research Center at Scripps Clinic )
2 . Eating a handful of soaked nuts , raw seeds and 20 minutes before meals .
Twenty minutes is the time it takes for your body to tell your brain that receives nutrition.
Your brain then decide you do not need to eat much more .
Nuts contain protein and good fats thinness.
Your brain then decide you do not need to eat much more .
Nuts contain protein and good fats thinness.
3 . Spice up your food.
Adding hot spices to your meals can help reduce hunger. ( Study in the British Journal of Nutrition)
The capsaicin (found in chili peppers ) forces the brain to release endorphins comforting. (Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo )
The capsaicin (found in chili peppers ) forces the brain to release endorphins comforting. (Scientists at the State University of New York at Buffalo )
4 . The smell of food can trick your brain into thinking you've eaten .
A study found that those who inhaled peppermint scent every two hours ate 2,700 fewer calories per week than normal.
This is a great loss of more than half a pound a week!
This is a great loss of more than half a pound a week!
5 . Take 10 minutes to eat a treat.
This habit can completely reduce your cravings!
Take a portion of your favorite food .
Wait a minute before the feel , look and think.
Now take a small bite , chewing slowly , focus on the texture and taste, then swallow.
Before the next bite , ask yourself if you really want more .
Repeat this sequence 20 times with their treatment. This should take about 10 minutes.
" Many of our participants .... not enjoy the process as much as they thought, or just after just a few bites and were better able to stop eating when they are satisfied . " - Lesley Lutes , Ph.D. , Department of Psychology, East Carolina University .
Take a portion of your favorite food .
Wait a minute before the feel , look and think.
Now take a small bite , chewing slowly , focus on the texture and taste, then swallow.
Before the next bite , ask yourself if you really want more .
Repeat this sequence 20 times with their treatment. This should take about 10 minutes.
" Many of our participants .... not enjoy the process as much as they thought, or just after just a few bites and were better able to stop eating when they are satisfied . " - Lesley Lutes , Ph.D. , Department of Psychology, East Carolina University .
6 . Brush your teeth .
When you feel you want to enjoy something healthy , try brushing your teeth with mint toothpaste .
Usually you will not want to eat when there is a minty mouth and toothpaste is the most tasteless food .
Eating and watching TV is a bad combination.
Usually you will not want to eat when there is a minty mouth and toothpaste is the most tasteless food .
Eating and watching TV is a bad combination.
7 . Do not eat while watching TV .
Increase calories by 40 percent more than usual .
8 . Eating with chopsticks.
For some of you , this will be an important way to lose weight , it will not be able to eat all the food !
When eating with chopsticks, more attention is needed to collect food from the plate . The size of the bite and the portions are smaller.
It takes longer to help slow down and enjoy.
It can help you realize that you are full faster and then you end up eating less!
When eating with chopsticks, more attention is needed to collect food from the plate . The size of the bite and the portions are smaller.
It takes longer to help slow down and enjoy.
It can help you realize that you are full faster and then you end up eating less!
9 . Sleep well and rest.
Dream - one of the best techniques for weight loss !
People gain weight when they are not getting enough sleep.
Even a few nights of lack of sleep can lead to weight gain immediate . (University of Pennsylvania Research )
People gain weight when they are not getting enough sleep.
Even a few nights of lack of sleep can lead to weight gain immediate . (University of Pennsylvania Research )
10 . Focus on nutrients , without counting calories .
Eat plenty of whole foods and vegetables and make sure you have healthy meals and snacks with chips carbohydrates , proteins and fats.
Full of nutrient-rich foods will help you feel full and stay full longer .
Full of nutrient-rich foods will help you feel full and stay full longer .

rapid weight loss tips
2:28 ص
Tips to Lose Weight Fast
Discover the most effective ways to lose weight burn fat and reduce waist size is very important. Follow these simple tips to burn fat to lose weight and live a healthier life.
Weight loss tips :
Drink plenty of water to lose weight
One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to give up the sodas and stick to water more often. Eight glasses to twelve glasses of water a day will keep you hydrated and healthy . Take a glass of water to flush toxins from your body system .
Eat five times a day
Yes , you heard right . Instead of eating three meals a day , eating five small meals a day . Your body can not properly metabolize large meals , so eating large meal sizes can lead to excess fat that turn into fat deposits. But make sure that when you practice eating five times a day , reducing food intake or to double its size.
eating protein
To increase your metabolism and burn fat eating fast food that are loaded with protein. Protein helps greatly to rebuild muscles after workouts . It also helps maintain muscle mass loss . Eat only foods that high in protein but low in calories. Since low-fat milk , chicken breast , nonfat yogurt , etc.
Cut calories wisely
To minimize the risk , make sure to cut your calorie intake wisely. Reducing calories , step by step , the sharp reduction in calories will result in faster burning of calories available in the system which will result in lowering your metabolism. So never try to reduce your calorie intake drastically . If you want to live healthy , cut wisely.
Choose a diet low in GI
A low glycemic index diet is a great fat burning is fast approaching. This diet program encourages individuals to consume high amounts of foods with a low glycemic index . All these foods are nutritious and help your body burn fat and calories at a faster rate. This diet includes many of your favorite fruits, vegetables , meat , dairy products and cereals.
Make sure you reward
Be sure to reward yourself when you succeed with your diet plan . Indulge in some of your favorite foods once a week , of course , should be in moderation . As if you like chocolate , enjoy a small square of chocolate .
Working with weights to lose weight
To maximize fat burning program add weight to your workout. Weight training will tone your body , strengthen your body and improve your overall health . Weight lifting also burns calories and fat faster than traditional exercise , and will also increase your metabolism.
Refrain from Marathon Work Outs
The big mistake people make when looking to burn fat and lose weight is to have a long and extensive work expected of the session. Instead, break up your work out plan into small chunks throughout the day . Take a brisk walk in the morning, enjoy a workout at lunch , and then exercise more in the evening . In addition to staying active all day , divide your work out will better maintain your metabolism.
Mix up your workout to lose weight fast
The decision to participate in a variety of quality exercises will keep your interest and best allow you to maintain your goal of burning fat. Instead of doing the same exercises every day Zapping! Go swimming one day, run another , and bike the next. Rotating your activities will not only allow you to experience a variety of athletics, it will also enable better tone of your body.Skip Happy Hour
For people who want to burn fat quickly, avoid alcohol. Rich in sugars and carbohydrates , alcohol is a substance rich in calories. These empty calories can add up quickly and take the necessary nutrients that should be included in your daily diet . Furthermore , alcohol acts as an inhibitor of fat burning , allowing your body to store more quickly.
To lose weight fast with these simple tips success .
السبت، 9 نوفمبر 2013

herbal weight loss pills
1:40 م
Herbal weight loss pills - Discover what the manufacturers do not want you to know
Losing weight is a priority for many people, but not everyone likes the idea of diet pills that are made from chemicals. That is why the herbal pills for weight loss have been introduced in the market. Today, if you are in your local health store , pharmacy, or simply surf the Internet , you are sure to meet the weight loss pills herbal .
Although each type of weight loss pill contains herbal different ingredients , there are some ingredients that are common to many brands . There is some debate , however , about how safe and effective for some of these components.
Acupuncture for weight loss, Atkins diet program , diet programs ,
Ephedrine is a very popular weight loss pills herbal , but in reality is considered potentially dangerous by the Food and Drug Administration . It is used as an ingredient in weight loss pills herbal that are designed to replace "fen -phen " . However, the anti-obesity drug has been banned. Despite this ban ephedra not necessarily reflect in any way the ephedra -based products certainly fall into the category of diet pills are not allowed.
More worrying , however , is the fact that ephedra is the natural source of amphetamine-type stimulant called ephedrine. It is a powerful decongestant and appetite suppression and helps burn fat fast. Despite these advantages , the risks are such that it is best avoided. In herbal pills weight loss , ephedra has been known to cause insomnia , high blood pressure , irregular heartbeat , seizures , strokes and heart attacks.
There are other ingredients in the weight loss pill herbal that are considered less hazardous . HCA or hydroxycitric acid , did a great job by decreasing the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. This plant extract is very effective in helping weight loss , and is present in many commercial diet pills as well .
A third common ingredient is pyruvate, which is a natural compound derived from plants and animals. This is an effective means of weight loss , but be careful to stick to the recommended dose. Taking too much of these pills can cause bloating and diarrhea.
Finally, phenylpropanolamine , also known as PPP. This enjoyed a very good reputation as an agent for weight loss for many years. Recently , however , concerns about security have been raised, and is no longer used in many prescription medicines . This raises the question of how safe is made of plant weight loss pills . It has side effects similar to ephedra , including headaches , stroke , high blood pressure and even death .
If you are taking weight loss pills herbal , then it is important that you understand what ingredients are used , the effects it may have, and then decide if you really want to go forward.
الجمعة، 8 نوفمبر 2013

best weight loss program
5:14 م
The best weight loss programs by 2013
The programs differ in weight loss goals and functions. There are those made for losing weight faster , while there are programs made for weight loss in the short term. It is your own choice which one to choose if approved by medical experts and you will benefit .
To give you the best weight loss programs to consider , you can consider the following points :
Weight Watchers
This has always been the number one weight loss program on the market. It has been the subject of several clinical studies. Is regarded as a first choice for most consumers , too. It keeps the application to overcome temptation , to control hunger and stop a diet, but to live to the fullest. This scoring system program will help you lose weight easily . It is also a good solution has been shown to provide an effective moderate weight loss long term.
Jenny Craig
This weight loss program will give the necessary support to improve physical and emotional health . It is claimed that this food program keeps weight to give prepackaged food and portion controlled . However, remember that this solution can be expensive.
Diet biggest loss
It is a diet based on a healthy diet and regular exercise foundations. Choice is between medical experts and approved his idea of calorie restriction . This is an effective way to lose weight for a short term period . It also works giving a moderate weight reduction in the long term.
DietThis Medifast is a solution that has been recommended by over 20,000 doctors since 1980. This solution is most valued security will prevent thirst and without counting calories . It is a way to lose weight for men and women safe and fast .
With the above , it is certainly going to be difficult to choose the right solution for your diet. They are medically approved and supported by experts , so you do not have to worry about their effectiveness .
It is a popular solution that will give the lowest price solution , without counting calories , weight loss only . Even states that provide weight loss of up to 2 pounds per week.
Diet- To-Go
This diet program will give you an economical solution with the combination of delicious taste . Ensures service delivery plan , the solution prepared by the chef, and quality choices for dieters .

best weight loss pills
4:47 م
Xenical summer approved a aussi pill regime beyond 1999 and its efficiency is due to the way in which food actually blocks fat from being absorbed by the body , which fits well with a regular routine of diet and exercise.
Xenical aussi Known flow have the ability to potentially reduce the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D , E and K , which meant That SHOULD NOT CARE sure they have advisers overstate dose of experimentation with Xenical for temperatures Premiere. Summer aussi states is a side effects including:
- Oily stools ,
- Gas and
- Frequent bowel movements , which could be annoying if they occur in public.
Xenical side effects can be harmful if taken with Oriental aussi fat foods , this meant those què Who should be extremely vigilant to pay to ensure that their plans are monitored and Point at any time to to avoid conditions L ' Avenir indecent .
There are five particularly popular diet pills today, and number five on the list is " Phentermine " . Phentermine requires an order to follow, so that has not reached a level of exposure that some supplements that can only be purchased without a prescription . The class of drugs that phentermine belongs to what is called meaning " sympathomimetic " consumption leads to a stimulation of the nervous system .
Supplements sympathomimetic promote fat loss due to early satiety which is the sensation of feeling full with less real food portions . While the attack on cravings after meals is indeed a great advantage , be careful to be aware of the side effects .
As a sympathomimetic medicine directly affects the nervous system, not to be taken lightly. The class of drug that belongs to phentermine can affect heart rate and blood pressure , and if someone is, they must be very careful if you have high blood pressure , heart or thyroid problems .
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