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الاثنين، 9 ديسمبر 2013

How to stay motivated to Drop That fat and be more sexy

You may abstained from food ingredients that used must have in your own home.

Perhaps you bought a gym membership and expensive past time sweating in the gym, or even stored on the elliptical so you can exercise in the comfort of your own home .

So you are like others, you have spent hundreds of dollars and tried every diet under the sun , but you still scale refuses to budge. Finally , to make the same decision that most other people do - Are you tired of not seeing results and go !

This is the fate of many who are struggling to lose weight. Halfway through the process, your motivation wanes and abandon your efforts to lose fat.

What the vast majority of the fighters weight loss do not realize is that the weight creeps at a rapid pace , but the act of fat loss does not occur as quickly . It can take weeks and sometimes months to present this extra 10 pounds you've been carrying around since college. The key is to stay motivated .

How? This is the tough one, but do not worry, we are here to help you. Here are some ways to make your tank is not empty on their journey of weight loss motivation.

Set realistic goals

We are great criticism. Most of us are hardly aware of our true potential. By setting goals , ask yourself if the goal is reasonable in relation to capacity . Your friend may have lost 5 kilos in 2 months, but for you two kilos in two months can be a good target to start.

You will never be able to meet unrealistic and unreasonable goals. And when you realize you are not going anywhere , it's easy for the mind to convince you to give up.

Take one step at a time

" Slow and steady wins the race " moral is relevant in this context. We often take too much at once and ends up doing nothing. We propose to work on one task at a time. After getting the hang of it , you can increase the number of tasks to be performed or the level of the same task.

When you start , do not exercise too. Instead of following a strict diet that eliminates all your favorite foods reduce consumption. Set smaller weekly and monthly goals.

take breaks

Losing weight is like his work. His work is his passion. It gives a great pleasure. Despite this , there are times when you need a break from the daily routine. Want a little break , break the monotony and help relax and rejuvenate things to come .

The same goes for losing a few pounds. Go to the same workout routines and meal plans will make your motivation to wane. Take a break for a day or two. Give yourself the foods you love . Do not exercise during the day.

This will allow your motivation to follow its natural course . If you ever miss a workout or eat on the plane , whatever. Pick up where you left off .

Be optimistic

Optimistic spirit set Once start working towards your goals , learn to be optimistic. It is an inherent characteristic of focus and harp on what we have or what we can not achieve.

This attitude stop you. Find the positive in everything. What if your goal was 3 pounds in 2 months and you get 2 . Celebrating, because 2 is also progress .

Document your small victories

Keep a record . Capture every victories - lost a pound or two, or a compliment to our appearance. You can also write what you personally feel about the weight loss program and how it affected his life so far.

If you have time , write something on the end of each day otherwise keep track of weekly success. Whenever you feel weak and instantly For inspiration, you can read this newspaper. You will feel a renewed motivation in you.

Rewards and goodies on the way

The grand finale ( the perfectly toned bikini body ) take time. However, you can reward yourself each time you reach a small goal , but important.

It might be a day off from exercise, enjoy your favorite dish or a relaxing body massage or just a day for you.

You need a healthy competition Over The Top

Competition It is a proven fact that competition will help you lose more weight than when working alone. Teamwork. It is to stay motivated.

Not only that, a team captain will act as accountability partners. While working with the team, the captain will ensure that team members are on track and motivated.

In this section, you can also use social networks to build a strong support system . Post your goals and achievements. There may be others who share your goals too.

Get a leg with her tools and equipment

With smartphones , the motivation to lose weight is just a touch away :

  • There are hundreds of applications that help weight loss an easy fight .
  • Examples of the applications that will give you the needed boost snapshot.
  • In addition , there are applications that will help up health , tasty snack with ingredients found in your pantry .

Use it to your advantage .

Turn internal review

Throughout the thinning process , you will find that you face many negative thoughts . It is known as the critical mode itself. It is natural. There are many who use criticism as a motivational tool , but to lose weight , it can be counterproductive. It can undermine your efforts.

Every time your mind is based on these negative thoughts in silence. Breathe . Focus on what you have achieved so far. So what are you waiting for? Get off your ass and start losing weight!
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