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الأحد، 27 أكتوبر 2013
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Several Recipes Help Get Rid Of Excess Weight


Eat between meals choice of the best means by which to help the stomach is full and a sense of fullness and prefer chopping the option to address those segments slides whenever I feel hungry desire to devour the food .

Apple cider vinegar :

Eat a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with every meal nutritionally balanced by mixing a teaspoon or two tablespoons in a cup of drinking water during or after eating or before the apple cider vinegar helps regulate digestion and fat - melting .

Chamomile Flowers :

Boiled a cup of chamomile flowers sugared original is on an empty stomach in the morning and before eating food meal a day for two months directly helps to lose excess weight.

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herbal- tea- benefits

herbal tea benefits

Green tea health benefits of green tea made ​​the best drink ever from a health point of view , and Benefits :

  • Helps to burn fat.

  •  Helps to speed up metabolism ; because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively.

  •  The drink green tea three times a day to burn an extra 200 calories a day.

  • Also found people who drink green tea that energy have been strengthened significantly, and moreover reduces green tea blood sugar level , which is responsible for the storage of glucose in the form of fat , and therefore reduce the level of sugar also lowers the level of fat stored in the body.

How to prepare:

Placed him boiled water , cover and leave for a few minutes , then add the sugar to taste , and you can add lemon.
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 best weight loss pills - top weight loss pills

best - weight loss - pills

The use of flax seed for weight loss

Flax seed accelerate metabolism leads to burning fat and help you lose weight by giving you a feeling of fullness, and they prevent you from overeating .

How to apply flax seed diet to lose 6 kg in a month :

The first step : Breakfast

Breakfast cereal mixed with a glass of milk laced with medium- teaspoon of flax seed powder , body extends the mix with its needs of basic food and best weight loss pills  sends a feeling of satiety signals to the brain best weight loss pills  , and prevent fiber found in flax seed feeling hungry between meals best weight loss pills  .

Step Two : Vegetable salad

Eat before lunch half an hour green salad  free tomatoes plus one teaspoon of powdered flax seedtop weight loss pills , and thieves consisting of (a little linseed oil with vinegar )top weight loss pills, granted this authority feeling of satiety and slow down the digestive process and speed up your metabolism and burns fat best weight loss pills .

The third step : Pan Cake
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Step Four: milkshakes

After lunch hour thanks to drinking milkshakes a special component of the top weight loss pills (spoon medium of powdered flax and spoon medium of linseed oil and cup of milk with little or skim and favorite fruit such as strawberries, for example top weight loss pills, in addition to some drops of vanilla ,top weight loss pills gives this drink energy to complete the day in addition to a feeling of fullness for a longer period best weight loss pills .

This system assists in the loss of one and a half kilometers in the week .

Note: You must grind flax seed prior to use in a system Weight Loss Note: You must grind flax seed prior to use in a system Weight Loss  .

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Celery benefits in weight loss

Celery - benefits - in weight loss

Celery leaf

Is a useful greener slimming and weight loss thanks to the celery juice keeps Vitamins and its diuretic properties and is used in the United States extensively in the food systems that follow to combat obesity , and good spice celery salt is used instead of plain salt .

In modern medicine appeared of celery analysis it contains vitamins (A, B, C) and metals and semi - metals , including iron , iodine , copper , magnesium , potassium, calcium , phosphorus and soothing elements .. Celery and fit each persons with good health and eaten raw , Va , and soft or dental to comment , and prevents all with weak and injured bowel indigestion .

Also capturing the recommended for obese , obesity , diabetes , arthritis and rheumatism, kidney inflammation , and is used to strengthen the body 's cells , moisturizer and Paul - generating and disinfectant to urine and blood streams and counter indigestion and obesity.

And how to use it internally be to eat raw with salads or cooked with soup or squeezed his veins and drink half a glass of juice a day for between 15 to 20 days , or used as a beverage boiled 30 grams of celery in half a liter of water .

Can dry leaf celery ribs and roots a cut in the oven for use in the winter in the making of celery soup ( soup celery) for the treatment of obesity , and must be elected from celery small and soft- preferably in eating the heart to the parties, especially if they are severe.

Famously celery in the territory of France Conteh in France that increases sexual power and maintains agility (Adam and Eve ) .

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السبت، 26 أكتوبر 2013
Benefits of Turmeric in weight loss

Benefits - of Turmeric - in weight loss


Benefits of Turmeric in weight loss :

  • Helps dismantle and regulates fat metabolism in the body.
  • also helps in reducing the risk of diabetes.
  •    Reduce the percentage of body fat, and activates blood circulation and        purifies the blood.
  •   Helps the body in the process of digestion, and fight parasites that are found in the intestines.
  • Conducted studies on the possibility of using it in the fight against cancers and infections.

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The benefits of black pepper in weight loss

The benefits of black - pepper in - weight loss

 Black pepper

 Common for black pepper that is used in the kitchen only that, but actually works black pepper to help in the digestion process also helps to burn fat at a faster pace, and went on research from the University of "Oklahoma" to say that might help burn calories equivalent to walking for twenty minutes.

 Nutritional value :
  •  Black pepper contains many nutrients such as manganese, iron, vitamin K, and dietary fiber.
  • Black pepper contains compounds that enhance the absorption of nutrients from foods significantly, which increases the rate of absorption of nutrients from the intestines and also slow down the passage of food in the digestive tract, allowing a higher absorption of food and raise the efficiency of drugs. 

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Dandelion herb benefits in weight loss

Dandelion herb - benefits - in weight loss

Herb dandelions

It is a plant with an amazing range of health benefits, can be eaten leaves added to the salad, and help clean the body of toxins and slow down the process of digestion, which helps to sense of satiety for a longer period, and the herb is classified as the highest of four vegetables in terms of nutritional value.

Therapeutic benefits :                                                                                       

Therapeutic benefits proven confirm that this plant protective of the stomach and liver injuries and disorders , as it is a diuretic and purified urinary tract and FAFSA greenhouse , it is cleaner good for the body of waste and toxins , and works dandelion also activate the functions of the liver and gall bladder and kidney.

Part of the plant used in the treatment and help in the work of the diet is all parts of the plant . And proved that eating dandelions and used as a drug era of medical leaves and flowers and veins without desalination juice though honey is very useful in purification of the liver and purify the blood of sediment and all impurities.

The most important property made ​​us talk about the dandelion plant is the ability of the plant to reduce the proportion of fat and grease accumulations and unwanted  of the body and blood and urinary tract and respiratory tract .

The plant is used to help lose weight and reduce body fat , especially cholesterol in the blood vessels.
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The benefits of cinnamon in weight loss

The benefits of cinnamon in weight loss

How cinnamon help weight loss?

Cinnamon helps weight loss as a result of several reasons:

1 - Cinnamon helps to reduce the level of sugar in the blood :

When high levels of blood sugar after a meal , the body is then more likely to be overweight or have difficulty losing excess weight . And maintain a stable blood sugar levels is an essential element for weight loss .

2 - Cinnamon control insulin levels in the blood:

Along with maintaining blood sugar levels , cinnamon also help to stabilize insulin levels . And maintain the lowest levels of insulin is another element of public health and weight loss .

3 - Cinnamon helps to create a chemical reaction :

When dealing with cinnamon , the body reacts chemically to complete the process of digestion cinnamon. This interaction helps dramatically speed up metabolism to compensate for the excess heat generated by the cinnamon digestion process . When you speed up metabolism , working the body to burn more calories with increased rate of weight loss significantly.

         Multiple uses of cinnamon for weight loss 

There are many ways to add cinnamon to the diet and daily meals. For example , you can add a little cinnamon for ÓŃíÇá during breakfast. Can also sprinkle a little cinnamon on the fruit of apples or pears , or different kinds of fruits and eat as a snack during the afternoon . It can also add a little cinnamon to a cup of yogurt or coffee or tea. You can also enjoy a cup of hot cinnamon with the sweet taste unpalatable , taking advantage of the multiple health benefits of cinnamon drink .

It does not matter never eating cinnamon way as long as it is dealt with on a regular basis . All you have only, is to keep a small bowl of cinnamon always available in front of you , it would be easy for you to add some cinnamon to your meals daily .
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الجمعة، 25 أكتوبر 2013
How it works chili to lose weight ?

How it works chili - to lose weight

Cayenne pepper

How it works chili to lose weight

The chili contains article " Capsaicin " , which were found to contribute to increase the speed of your metabolism by 50% for the next three hours for a meal with red pepper.

 Studies also indicate to the contribution of article " Capsaicin  in the revitalization process of digestion through their impact on the parts of bacillus responsible for activating the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach and intestines.

In addition, this article helps to stop the bleeding ulcers of the stomach and intestines , which denies the accusation chili and chili causing stomach problems .

The benefits of red pepper

Do not stop red pepper benefits when contributing to weight loss , but goes beyond to therapeutic intervention in pain relief , and protect the heart and arteries, and treatment of gastric ulcers , relieve congestion by increasing the runny nose, and enhance the body immunity .

This can take advantage of more pepper I have eaten fresh , though must be stored , it should be saved in the refrigerator away from the sun .

You experience these herbs may help in weight loss and do not forget Could you consult your doctor, especially if you suffer from certain diseases beside obesity.

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Essential Tips before using herbal diet ! ! !

Essential Tips - before using - herbal diet

easy weight loss tips

Before you start to lose your excess weight using natural herbs and plants a golden tips should be followed in order to succeed this vegetarian diet in achieving the desired objectives .

- Should you have a lot of drinking water , especially mineral water and not just one type of those waters, and if you feel some hunger does not need to eat a dish full of favorite foods , but you can try to satisfy your stomach with a cup or two cups of water first.

- Sufficiency only a third of your stomach is full because when one does not fill his hunger finally forced the body to convert fatty tissue as energy consumption to the need of the members of the functional body, which causes loss of excess weight.

- No system of three meals only or system Two meals and each meal but should fill the body's need whenever you feel hungry , because if you let yourself hunger severe then eat greedily and without awareness or perception of the quality of the food or the quantity to be addressed for the success of a system of diet that helps you lose excess weight.

- Accustomed to not finish all the food in the dishes and not the goal of eating is to bridge the hunger situation only taking into account the qualities and quantities to be dealt with every meal.

- Do not try to change the diet to be followed to reduce the excess weight in any way when you start in the implementation , even in cases calling for food outside the home , whether in restaurants or with friends and family.

- If there is a choice between fish and meat , let it be your choice of fish , especially sea are less fatty tissue contain harmful toxins and more fit on mineral salts necessary for the body , it is always best to use fresh fish and not refrigerated or canned.

easy weight loss tips

- It is always better and never eat fresh foods prepared on the spot or on the same day , at most , as well as the situation with regard to the fruit there is no need to devour the fruit that went on picking a few days or spent in the refrigerator for several weeks and should be eating fruits and vegetables of all kinds in Seasons regular controlled by the nature.

- Do not try to use the method of reducing calorie intake per day as a means of success Splenda plant , where some believe that eating foods with a low-calorie per day can reduce weight significantly and fast , but this method is in itself enough to destroy a diet , because when you feel very hungry preserves human body through the process of combustion of natural speed and the result will be a further increase in weight, so with nutrition experts are advised not to try to underestimate the number of daily calories from 1000 , 1200 kcal / day.

- Herbal drinks are the first assistant to the success of the diet and weight loss , followed by natural fruit juices without sugar , and carbonated beverages must reduce them and must calculate the calories in the drink also , not only in foods.

- The largest number of meals per day the best way to diet and lose weight overload, where he sees health experts to rely on one meal a fundamental leads to reduce the speed of metabolism and burning fat , which helps to reduce the speed to get rid of excess weight, so it is advisable nutrition experts should be divided prices today the largest number of meals because it leads to the speed of digestion and weight loss.

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