- Should you have a lot of drinking water , especially mineral water and not just one type of those waters, and if you feel some hunger does not need to eat a dish full of favorite foods , but you can try to satisfy your stomach with a cup or two cups of water first.
- Sufficiency only a third of your stomach is full because when one does not fill his hunger finally forced the body to convert fatty tissue as energy consumption to the need of the members of the functional body, which causes loss of excess weight.
- No system of three meals only or system Two meals and each meal but should fill the body's need whenever you feel hungry , because if you let yourself hunger severe then eat greedily and without awareness or perception of the quality of the food or the quantity to be addressed for the success of a system of diet that helps you lose excess weight.
- Accustomed to not finish all the food in the dishes and not the goal of eating is to bridge the hunger situation only taking into account the qualities and quantities to be dealt with every meal.
- Do not try to change the diet to be followed to reduce the excess weight in any way when you start in the implementation , even in cases calling for food outside the home , whether in restaurants or with friends and family.
- If there is a choice between fish and meat , let it be your choice of fish , especially sea are less fatty tissue contain harmful toxins and more fit on mineral salts necessary for the body , it is always best to use fresh fish and not refrigerated or canned.
easy weight loss tips
- It is always better and never eat fresh foods prepared on the spot or on the same day , at most , as well as the situation with regard to the fruit there is no need to devour the fruit that went on picking a few days or spent in the refrigerator for several weeks and should be eating fruits and vegetables of all kinds in Seasons regular controlled by the nature.
- Do not try to use the method of reducing calorie intake per day as a means of success Splenda plant , where some believe that eating foods with a low-calorie per day can reduce weight significantly and fast , but this method is in itself enough to destroy a diet , because when you feel very hungry preserves human body through the process of combustion of natural speed and the result will be a further increase in weight, so with nutrition experts are advised not to try to underestimate the number of daily calories from 1000 , 1200 kcal / day.
- Herbal drinks are the first assistant to the success of the diet and weight loss , followed by natural fruit juices without sugar , and carbonated beverages must reduce them and must calculate the calories in the drink also , not only in foods.
- The largest number of meals per day the best way to diet and lose weight overload, where he sees health experts to rely on one meal a fundamental leads to reduce the speed of metabolism and burning fat , which helps to reduce the speed to get rid of excess weight, so it is advisable nutrition experts should be divided prices today the largest number of meals because it leads to the speed of digestion and weight loss.